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Customer Service Representative (m/f/d) Berlin

Neo Temp GmbH
10247 Berlin
Anstellung (Fest) Teilzeit - Nachmittags


Customer Service Representative (m/f/d) in Berlin

Unser Angebot für Sie:

Indefinite employment contract
Annual salary of 44,500, commensurate with the responsibilities
Versatile and responsible role with interesting and varied tasks
Collaboration in a renowned and forward-thinking innovation company
Open, honest, direct, friendly, and uncomplicated interpersonal interactions

Ihr zukünftiges Aufgabengebiet:

Receive, QC, acknowledge, and enter purchase orders (from end-customers, Distributors, and Intercompany)
Place purchase orders for relevant product lines and confirm receipt
Provide Order Confirmation to customer and salesperson following defined process
Communicate delivery status to customers, expedite/escalate deliveries as needed
Collaborate with sales team and/or customer to resolve order-related or customer service issues
Produce and share relevant order-related reports
Communicate effectively with customers via email and/or phone
Provide feedback to management on workflow improvements
Support sales team as needed (e.g., initial inquiry response, quotation prep)
Perform other assigned duties

Ihr Profil für die Stelle Customer Service Representative (m/f/d):

Proficient in PC skills with 3+ years' experience, including:
CRM tools (preferably Salesforce)
ERP tools (preferably NetSuite)
Proactive with strong problem-solving skills
Comfortable working across various time zones and diverse cultures
Demonstrated expertise in resolving customer issues with a professional, customer-oriented demeanor
Willingness to exceed defined job responsibilities
Ability to excel in a time-sensitive environment and readily adapt to shifting priorities
Previous experience in the B2B technology industry is a plus
You have an advanced command of both the German and English languages, reaching a proficiency level of C1.

Interessiert an der Position Customer Service Representative (m/f/d)? So geht es weiter!

Sie können über den untenstehenden Button Ihre Bewerbung für die Position als Customer Service Representative (m/f/d) direkt an uns absenden. Alternativ senden Sie uns Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen direkt per E-Mail oder rufen uns an:
030 402 030 99-0

Weitere Informationen


Kontakt-Informationen zur Bewerbung

Neo Temp GmbH
nur für eingeloggte Mitglieder
nur für eingeloggte Mitglieder
(Weitere Informationen zum Stellenangebot finden Sie im Kartenreiter "Kontakt zum Stellenanbieter")
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